Sunday 4 January 2009

Foto Telanjang Sarah Azari Dan Rahma Azari

Rahma Azhari admitted that the image itself with foto bugil is that Sarah is genuine. However Rahma regretted Roy Suryo, comments, questions and participate in the photo. Rahma also plan penjarakan Roy Suryo.

foto telanjang rahma azharifoto telanjang rahma azhari

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"We hope Roy Suryo not give many comments. Roy Suryo there is a possibility we pidanakan because too many comments," said Farhat Abbas, the power of law Rahma, told their clients on Jl Prapatan Mampang, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (24/12/2008) evening.

rahma azhari bugilrahma azhari bugil

rahma azhari artis indonesiarahma azhari artis indonesia

Farhat assess the statement of the observer telecommunications service is no longer in place. Nia Daniati husband is not considered Roy capacity to provide justification concerning the assessment or photos Rahma and Sarah Azhari.

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rahma azhari foto bugilrahma azhari foto bugil

In addition to planning will mempidanakan Roy, Farhat also mentioned several names of suspected distribution of the photographs. According to some 2 people suspected of involved in the dissemination of images.

rahma azhari mandirahma azhari mandi

"Here are two people suspected of involved, but one that may be because I have died. The one name Ronny Effendi Saut. What have died Hendra Gunawan," said Farhat

rahma azhari mesumrahma azhari mesum


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