When it comes to choosing a low interest credit card, what cards rank at the top or your list? While the answer will be different for everyone, the ultimate goal with any low interest card is to save money. With many cards available today that have great introductory rates as well as others that low regular APRs, it is most often hard at times to sort through literally hundreds of cards to find the best plastic available.
Recently the folks here at CreditCardGuide.com wrote an article entitled "Editor’s Pick: Best Low Interest Credit Cards 2010" that breaks down a couple of the hottest plastic available to consumers. While there are many cards to choose from, those that made the list offer cardholders much more than lower cost if they decide to carry a balance. The top choices included a couple of cards that you may or may not have heard about, and those are the Simmons First Visa Platinum, the PenFed Promise VISA Card and the IBERIABANK Visa® Classic Card. In all, while these offers may be a little difficult to get approved for by some, for those that are able to get a hold of any of these plastics it is well worth it.
As with many different types of credit cards, there are several other low interest cards that can save you money in the long run. If you do decide to apply for a new card always make sure you read and understand the terms and any other paperwork that is associated with the card. While your interest rate may be a percentage that are comfortable with paying when applying, if the terms are not followed your rates could be raised and negate any saves you have accrued.
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