Wednesday 22 December 2010

Eat For Health: Lose Weight, Keep It Off, Look Younger, Live Longer (2 book set)

Dr. Fuhrman's nutritional prescription is a greatly-needed antidote to the US way of eating which has become a leading cause of disease and premature death. Despite all the sophisticated medical technology available today, the sobering truth is that the greatest tools for preventing and reversing disease are your fork and spoon. This way of eating will greatly benefit those in poor health as well as healthy persons desiring optimal wellness and vitality. Further, unlike most weight-loss approaches based on will-power and difficult to sustain, Dr. Fuhrman's approach corrects the underlying causes of excessive hunger and cravings, resulting in permanent, naturally-occurring weight loss. I have had the privilege of personally seeing the tremendous disease reversal that occurs with this way of eating, and whole-heartedly recommend this book. --Tonja R. Nansel, PhD

I love this book. It's hard to believe that Dr. Fuhrman could surpass his earlier book, Eat To Live, but he did. Eat For Health empowers us to make change. It is the only prescription that will ensure that our golden years remain golden and not riddled with disability and disease. Dr, Fuhrman's advice can enable you to achieve the same weight loss seen with gastric bypass surgery WITHOUT the surgery. A must read to exercise your taste buds and rev up your metabolic machinery. --Deanna Cherrone, M.D.

A terrific, non-diet - diet. Dr. Fuhrman explains precisely what you should eat and he makes it delicious. Eat For Health is effective, practical and sensible. --Richard N. Podell, M.D.

Customer Reviews :

I first read Joel Fuhrman, M.D.'s book "Eat To Live" May 2007 after my father died of heart disease. I have always been a vegetarian but I have always been overweight as well. I had 50 extra pounds to lose and my main goal has always been health over looks. I learned from his book that being a Vegan also means no processed foods or animal products of any kind. I love that book and lost those 50 pounds that I had never been able to lose before age 42.

After a year living the "Eat To Live" plan I read "Eat For Health" twice. The differences are huge. The biggest difference is that Dr. Fuhrman takes us Americans through 4 stages of gradual eating changes by doing some food exercises and stepping down animal products and processed foods. The only foods he asks us to eliminate immediately are all cheese, butter and transfats. I can see why he changed his point-of-view to gradually add vegetables, fruits and beans to our diets because otherwise it can be a shock to our typical way of eating and most people will reject it as they did in his book, "Eat To Live."

I find I need the extreme approach right off the starting line and I have learned to love vegetables and fruits. I feel that his gradual steps to eliminate meat and processed foods and grains was backpedaling from his original book, but on the other hand I fully understand why he did it and that was to reach as many people to change their eating habits as possible and so in this content, it makes perfect sense. Before May 2007 I was a vegan who rarely ate fruits and vegetables thinking cereal and popcorn was healthy, now I thrive on those foods and have kept my weight down to near ideal with no effort at all.

I have always loved reading nutrition books and before Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I thought Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Oz were the best, but now I see that they both focus far too heavily on whole grains, which Dr. Fuhrman says to eat very little of because they are not dense in nutrition. The rule of this plan is to eat foods highest on the nutrient index and avoid foods with little nutritional value all-together.

Here's a list of the foods he says we can eat from his book in unlimited quantities, and these are the only foods I eat myself. This plan is the only book that made perfect sense to me and I knew in my core that this is the only choice I would make for optimal health and wellness.

romaine lettuce, leaf lettuces, kale, collards, Swiss chard, cabbage, spinach, bok choy.

artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, cucumber, peas,
Green peppers, string beans, zucchini.

beets, eggplant, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, peppers, water chestnuts, cauliflower,
squash, carrots.

red kidney beans, pinto beans, soybeans, lentils, black-eyed peas, black beans.

apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, mangoes, nectarines,
all melons, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, strawberries, tangerines.


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